Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grrr! Arrgh!


Jeg skulle gjerne ha skrevet et langt innlegg, hvor jeg river den totale mangelen av logikk som florerer hos denne dama sønder og sammen.

Heldigvis har Gunnar gjort det for meg, og jeg slipper å påføre meg selv et magesår.

Jeg vet at det finne bygdeorginaler der ute, og jeg håper virkelig Hilde flytter ut av byen og blir en av dem. Med litt flaks utvikler hun el-allergi slik at hun holder seg unna interwebzn også.

Sorry Hilde, din idioti får meg ned på ett Grr! Argh! nivå.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The princess and the unicorn

I live in Norway. In many ways it’s a pretty awesome place to live. We consistently rank highly in various statistics quantifying quality of life, happiness and democracy; all in all I would say I was pretty fortunate to be born here.

However we too have our share of nutcases. One that annoys me in particular is the princess of Norway Märtha Louise. Now as an atheist and a skeptic most beliefs in higher powers seem equally idiotic to me. However we are talking about a person who has had every opportunity to learn and expand her horizons and what does she do? She talks to “angels”…

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If she were just sitting at home not taking her meds and lala-ing with her “angels” I wouldn’t really give a shit. But we are talking about a member of the royal family using her position to earn money on her quackery.

And not only can our princess talk to “angels”, oh no. In the ultimate wretched fraud she can also talk to the dead.

Of course the church is shocked and upset by these claims, because contacting the other side is an unhealthy form of religion (is there a healthy one?) and it can open up for “forces from the other side”. 

All in all the level of public retardation in this nation where only 32% believes in a god stuns me.

Post the first

Welcome to my blog. 

This is where I will post my random rants from time to time. Especially those concerning my innate skepticism against stupidity, right-wingers, and religious nut jobs. If you identify yourself as any of these and get offended, then let my play you a sad song on my tiny violin.